Questions about Thermoset Composites?

Lightweight and Strong: Designing The Future With Structural Thermoset Composites (STC®)

Register to view the IDI webcast Lightweight and Strong: Designing The Future With Structural Thermoset Composites (STC®).

This webinar will expand the knowledge base of the attendee about the features, advantages and benefits of using thermoset composite materials and examine some real world applications. After the webinar, attendees will have a clear understanding of how thermoset composites deliver optimized performance and create a competitive advantage in a wide range of applications.

  You'll Learn:

  • What benefits are provided by Structural Thermoset Composites that are not offered by traditional materials?

  • How are thermoset composites being used today in various industries to create superior products?

  • How do Ultra Performance Moldable Composites reduce manufacturing costs and product complexity?

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